自动送料矫正机 LEVELER & CRADLE 特殊装置(选择) Machine Alteration(Option): 1、矫正速度之更改 Speed of feed 2、马达可采用变速控制 Variable speed driving motor 3、可改用变频器控制 Lnvertor control 4、滚轮镀铬,非常** Hard-chrome-plated Roller,low wear,long operating life. 特点 Featruse : ① 本机特点为材料架与矫正机成一体,不占空间,适合薄板加工 Combining the feeding and straightening function into one machine,saving space and suitable for thin metal sheets processing. ② 依出料速度之需要,自动调控送料时间,配合冲床的冲压速度 The feeding speed can be adjusted to synchronize with the press automatically. ③附卷料传动装置,使材料矫正平顺光滑无压痕 Transmission equipment are standard,smooth and low wear. ④本机采用日本电磁阀接触制及电子零件,故障少,寿命长 Equipped with japan magnetic contactor and electronic components,minimum breakdown.